In short, clients. We are in the relationship business. Every client has a unique background and life experience with, ultimately, different needs. I enjoy learning about the different facets of each client’s life and take pride in being a resource for them when it comes to their wealth.
TFO embodies their mission and values. I wanted to be a part of a company who took a holistic approach to wealth management and delivered on client services. I have found that in being a part of the TFO family.
Without question my family. From my grandparents to my parents, as well as my brothers, each of them has uniquely influenced me. I am grateful for the values each of them has instilled in me.
San Diego State University
B.S. Finance
CFP Board owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S.
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