
What most excites you about your work?

Tax accounting is an ever-changing and complex field. I love that no engagement is “cookie-cutter” and I often learn something new about the tax world.


Why did you choose TFO Family Office Partners?

I instantly liked the people from TFO I had met during my interview process. From my perspective, they really cared about their clients. I also feel there is interesting and valuable tax prep work I can help provide TFO client families.


What are some of your life's biggest influences?

My mother was the largest influence on me.


New Mexico State University
B.S. Finance
Minor in Spanish

Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management
MBA International Management

Hobbies and Interests

  • Spending time with a good book
  • Hiking
  • Spending time with my daughter and her two dogs

Industry Designations and Certifications

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

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